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在这篇文章中,我将分享如何利用ChatGPT 4.0辅助论文写作的技巧。


ChatGPT会瞎编!! ChatGPT会瞎编!!

不要用于查文献!! 不要用于查文献!!



  • ChatGPT能够在写作过程中提供灵感和帮助,但请仅作参考,避免过度依赖
  • 关于事实性问题要自己验证后使用,不要轻易相信它斩钉截铁的语气,更不要用于查文献。
  • 如果你希望得到更加优质的体验,请用GPT-4.0,如性价比最大化可选择GPT3.5






  • 请他扮演一个专业的论文评审专家,对论文草稿给出评审意见,然后根据意见,去重新审视论文。
  • 在修改具体论文内容时,让他扮演我所研究的领域的专家,这样可以让它的表达更加准确。
Prompt: You are now acting as an expert in the field of[Put professional fields here…]. From a professional point of view, do you think there is any need to modify the above content? Be careful not to modify the whole text, you need to point out the places that need to be modified one by one, and give revision opinions and recommended revision content. 提示:你现在扮演一个[这里放你所研究的领域]领域的专家,从专业的角度,您认为上面这些内容是否有需要修改的地方?注意,不要全文修改,您需要一一指出需要修改的地方,并且给出修改意见以及推荐的修改内容。


Prompt:[Put your requirements here…], since your output length is limited, in order to save space. Please use ellipses for the parts you don’t think need to be modified.


Prompt:I would like you to act as an expert in the[field of your choice], and help students with plagiarism check for their papers. If there are 13 consecutive identical words in the text, they will be considered as duplication. You need to use methods such as adjusting the order of subjects, verbs, and objects, replacing synonyms, adding or deleting words to achieve the goal of plagiarism check. Please modify the following paragraph: 我想让你充当一位[你希望的某个]领域的专家,帮助学生进行论文的去重修改。如果文章中连续13个字一样,就算重复。你需要通过调整主谓宾语序替换同义词、增减字数等方法,来达到论文去重的目的。请你修改下面这段文字:


Prompt:As a top expert in the[specific field], please elaborate and explain the related viewpoints and concepts based on the ideas I provide. 提示:你作为[某某专业]领域的顶尖专家,请根据我提供的思路,详细展开并解释相关观点和观念。
Prompt:Please refer broadly to similar papers in the[specific field], and help me add three subheadings under the main heading of "Research Background and Significance". Also, write the main content for these three subheadings. 提示:请广泛参考[某某领域]同类论文,帮我在【研究背景和意义】这一级目录下面,再增加三个子目录,并写出三个子目录的主要内容。


Prompt: I am trying to get good results from GPT-4 on the following prompt: ‘你的提示词.’ Could you write a better prompt that is more optimal for GPT-4 and would produce better results?




Prompt: Please provide multiple versions for reference. 提示:请提供多个版本用于参考。


提示:注意,不是…而是… 请根据我的补充,重新回答上个问题


Prompt:Still the above question, I think your answer is not good enough. Please answer again, this time focusing on removing redundancy from this passage. 提示:还是上面的问题,我认为你回答的不够好。请重新回答一次,这次你应该侧重于去除这段话中的冗余。


  • 更精确的措辞(More precise):选择更精确的词汇,例如使用“generate”代替“produce”或“analyze”代替“look at”。
  • 更简练的表达(More concise):消除不必要的词语和短语,使句子更加清晰、直接。
  • 更客观的语言(More objective):删除主观性语言,以中立的方式呈现信息。
  • 更具体的描述(More specific):提供更具体的细节,以支持论点或想法。
  • 更连贯的表达(More coherent):确保句子组织良好,逻辑流畅。
  • 更一致的风格(More consistent):确保句子所使用的语言和风格与论文的其余部分一致。
  • 更符合学术风格(More academic):使用学术写作中常用的术语和短语,例如“furthermore”和“thus”。
  • 更正式的语法(More formal grammar):使用正确的语法和句法,例如避免句子碎片或跑题的句子。
  • 更具细节的描述(More nuanced):通过使用词语或短语来传达更复杂或微妙的含义,使句子更具细节。


  • “Subtle edits only”: 仅对文本进行微调
  • “Minor edits”: 进行一些小的编辑
  • “Rephrase for clarity”: 改写以提高表达清晰度
  • “Simplify sentence structure”: 简化句子结构
  • “Check grammar and spelling”: 检查语法和拼写
  • “Enhance flow and coherence”: 提高文本流畅度和连贯性
  • “Improve word choice”: 改善用词
  • “Revise for style”: 为文本调整风格
  • “Significant edits”: 进行重大编辑
  • “Restructure content”: 重新构建内容
Prompt: Polish the paragraph above to make it more logical, and academic. 提示:润色上面的内容,使其更加更合逻辑,更符合学术风格


Prompt:For the sentence “[Before polished sentence]”, why did you polish it to be “[Polished sentence]”. 提示:对于“[润色前的句子]”这句话,为什么你润色为成“[润色后的句子]”。



Prompt: According to your knowledge about XXX and XXX, is there a better way to write the above paragraph, please help to revise it so that it can be used in academic papers. 提示:上面这段话,根据你所掌握的关于XXX和XXX的知识,有没有更好的写法,请帮助润色修改,以便能够用于论文。


Prompt: This sentence is too long and complex. Consider breaking it up into multiple shorter sentences. 提示:这句话太长而复杂。考虑将其分解为多个较短的句子。


Prompt: This section seems repetitive. Please rephrase to avoid redundancy. 提示:本节似乎是重复的。请重塑以避免冗余。
Prompt: This sentence is grammatically incorrect. Please revise. 提示:这句话在语法上是不正确的。请修改。

Prompt: The subject and verb do not agree in this sentence. Please correct. 提示:主语和动词在这句话中不一致。请改正。

Prompt: This phrase seems out of place. Please rephrase to improve clarity. 提示:这句话似乎不合适。请重新措辞以表达更清晰。

Prompt: I have used a passive voice in this sentence. Consider using an active voice instead. 提示:我在这句话中使用了被动语态。考虑改用主动语态。


Prompt: Can you give a few examples to demonstrate the scenarios where the previous method has limitations, so that it can be used in academic papers. 提示:能否举几个例子来证明之前的方法在哪些场景下具有局限性,以便用于论文中。

根据期刊会议(注意 期刊或者会议要足够著名)的风格,来润色内容。

Prompt: If I wish to publish a paper at a XXX conference, please polish the above content in the style of a XXX article. 提示:如果我希望将论文发表在XXX会议/期刊上,请按照XXX文章的风格,对上面的内容进行润色。


Prompt: Now, in order to help me better polish my thesis, I need you to remember the XXX principle: “…” 提示:现在,为了接下来能够帮我更好的润色论文,我需要你记住XXX原理:“…”


Prompt: Polish and rewrite the above content to make it more in line with the style of academic papers, and at the same time, it can be more professional. If there are parts that do not conform to facts or logic, please refer to the part of xxxxx for the above content modification. 提示:润色并重写上面的内容,使其更加符合论文的风格,于此同时,又能更加专业化,如果有不符合事实或者逻辑的部分,请你参考XXX原理部分对上面的内容修改。
